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Metalorgie Monthly : Janvier 2025
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Kissin' Dynamite
05 juillet 2024

- Kissin' Dynamite - Back with a Bang (Heavy Metal / Hard Rock, Allemagne) 🎧
- Orden Ogan - The Order Of Fear (Power Metal, Allemagne) 🎧
- Visions Of Atlantis - Pirates II - Armada (Power Metal / Sympho, Autriche) 🎧
- Blind Girls - An Exit Exists (Screamo / Mathcore, Australie) 🎧
- Abysswalker - A Spire at the Gates of Heaven (Heavy Metal, USA) 🎧
- Aeons - The Ghosts Of What We Knew (Metal Prog, UK) 🎧
- Akhlys - House of the Black Geminus (Black Metal, USA) 🎧
- Armnatt - Mountains Summoning (Black Metal, Portugal) 🎧
- Arx Atrata - A Reckoning (Atmospheric Black Metal, UK) 🎧
- Aspaarn - When Iron Meant Survival (Black Metal, Suisse) 🎧
- Baryon - Hypnos (Post Metal / Post Rock, Allemagne) 🎧
- Birdflesh - Faster Than A Priest Vomit (Grindcore, Suède) 🎧
- Black Hole Deity - Profane Geometry (Death Metal, USA) 🎧
- Bloodcross - Gravebound (Black Metal, Finlande) 🎧
- Blush Response - Sprawl_ (Indus / Electro, Allemagne) 🎧
- Cryptic Hatred - Internal Torment (Death Metal, Finlande) 🎧
- Duel - Breakfast With Death (Stoner, USA) 🎧
- Fearmonger - Horrific Forms (Death / Grindcore, Finlande) 🎧
- Horned Almighty - Contagion Zero (Black Metal, Danemark) 🎧
- Inerth - Hybris (Death / Doom / Industrial / Sludge, Espagne) 🎧
- Isle Of The Cross - Faustus: The Musical (Avant-garde / Symphonic / Tech Death, USA) 🎧
- Iwatchyousleep - The Killing Of Character (Punk / Alt Rock, USA) 🎧
- Krallice - Inorganic Rites (Avant Garde / Black Metal, USA) 🎧
- Kryptos - Decimator (Heavy / Thrash, Inde) 🎧
- Letallis - A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1 (Death Melo, USA) 🎧
- Limbes - Liernes (Black Metal / Atmo, France / Paris) 🎧
- Liminal Shroud - Visions of Collapse (Black Metal, Canada) 🎧
- Lions Of West Texas - Lwtx - Ep (Punk Rock, USA) 🎧
- Madicide - Madicide (Thrash, UK) 🎧
- Malconfort - Humanism (Experimental black metal, UK) 🎧
- Meifu - Haunted Dreams (Stoner / Psyche / Doom, Italie) 🎧
- Motivik - Renouncement (Thrash, USA) 🎧
- Nyktophobia - To The Stars (Death Melo, Allemagne) 🎧
- Octoploid - Beyond The Aeons (Death Melo, Finlande, Avec Olli-Pekka Laine d'Amorphis) 🎧
- Old Horn Tooth - Mourning Light (Stoner / Doom, UK) 🎧
- Ondfødt - Hexkonst (Black Metal, Finlande) 🎧
- Palmar De Troya - II (Noise Rock / Punk, Espagne) 🎧
- Partholón - The Ocean Pours In (Sludge / Post-Metal, Irlande) 🎧
- Piah Mater - Under the Shadow of a Foreign Sun (Prog Death, Brésil) 🎧
- Primitive Dread - Merciless Indifference (Crossover / Thrash, Macédoine Du Nord) 🎧
- Rainswept - No Threats Allowed (Hardcore, Italie) 🎧
- Regicide - Resist Control (Groove Metal, UK) 🎧
- Sijjeel - Affiliation Of Horrid Containment (Brutal Death, Arabie Saoudite) 🎧
- Stormriders - Whispers Of The Void (Stoner / Doom / Rock, USA) 🎧
- Sumac - The Keeper's Tongue (Atmospheric Sludge Metal, Canada) 🎧
- Tellmarch - L'abandon (Post Metal, France / Nantes, Avec des membres de Nesseria, Dragunov, 20 Seconds Falling Man) 🎧
- The Blast Wave - ΩMega-Drive (Hard Rock, France) 🎧
- The Dreaded Laramie - Princess Feedback (Power Pop, USA) 🎧
- The House Flies - Mannequin Deposit (Post Punk, USA) 🎧
- Traumatomy - Triumph Of Enslavement (Slam / Brutal Death, International) 🎧
- Truck Violence - Violence (Indie / Noise Rock, Canada) 🎧
- Unholy Altar - Veil Of Death! Shroud Of Nite (Black Metal, USA) 🎧
- Vimur - The Timeless Everpresent (Black Metal, USA) 🎧
- Vulvodynia - Entabeni (Deathcore / Brutal Death, Afrique Du Sud) 🎧
- Wormed - Omegon (Brutal / Tech Death, Espagne) 🎧
- Xasthur - Disharmonic Variations (Neofolk / Black Metal, USA) 🎧
- Yomi Ship - Feast Eternal (Post Rock, Australie) 🎧
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