Neal Morse

12 janvier 2024
Et voici les sorties de la semaine ! Qu'allez vous écouter ou découvrir cette semaine ?
- Escuela Grind - DDEEAATTHHMMEETTAALL (Grindcore, USA) 🎧
- Ryujin - Ryujin (Extreme power metal, Japon) 🎧
- Neal Morse - The Restoration (Prog metal / Prog rock, USA) 🎧
- Lila Ehjä - Clivota (Coldwave, France) 🎧

- Alluvial - Death Is But A Door (Deathcore / Djent, USA, Un EP) 🎧
- Angel Hair - Insect Immortality (Hardcore, USA) 🎧
- Announce The Apocalypse - Experience Machine (Thrash, USA) 🎧
- Artificial Heaven - Digital Dreams (Goth Rock, Italie) 🎧
- Bloody Head - Perpetual Eden (Noise / Punk, UK) 🎧
- Bronson Arm - S/T (Noise / Punk, USA) 🎧
- Cariosus - Will, Until Beauty (Death Melo / Deathcore, USA) 🎧
Casey - How To Disappear (Post Hardcore / Shoegaze, UK) 🎧
- Crucifer - Hell Is for the Hopeful (Death / Thrash, USA) 🎧
- Domination Campaign - A Storm Of Steel (Death Metal, Australie, L'autre groupe du chanteur de Psycroptic ) 🎧
- Drown In Sulphur - Dark Secrets Of The Soul (Deathcore, Italie) 🎧
- Edenya - Another Place (Folk Rock / Prog Rock, France) 🎧
- Emil Bulls - Love Will Fix It (Alt Metal, Allemagne) 🎧
- Engulf - The Dying Planet Weeps (Death Metal, USA) 🎧
- Exit Eden - Femmes Fatales (Metal Symphonique, International, Avec quatre chanteuses venues de AvantasiaVisions Of AtlantisPhantom Elite) 🎧
- Extinction A.D. - Ruthless Intent (Thrash / Hardcore, USA) 🎧
- Folly Group - Down There! (Post Punk, UK) 🎧
- Gothony - Gothony (Death Melo, Finlande) 🎧
- Infant Island - Obsidian Wreath (Screamo, USA) 🎧
- Iron Front - Hooked (Death Metal, USA) 🎧
- Karnak Seti - Restos (Thrash / Death, Portugal) 🎧
- Krvna - The Rhythmus Of Death Eternal (Black Metal, Australie) 🎧
- Lifesick - Love And Other Lies (Hardcore / Metalcore, Danemark) 🎧
- Magnum - Here Comes The Rain (Hard Rock, UK) 🎧
- Massa Nera - Quatro Vientos // Cinco Soles (Screamo, USA) 🎧
- Mourning Dawn - The Foam Of Despair (Black / Doom, France) 🎧
- Narzissus - Akt III: Erl​ö​sung (Black Metal, Autriche) 🎧
- No Terror in The Bang (Metal Prog / Metal Cinématographique, France) 🎧
- Oathbringer - Tales Of Valor (Heavy / Power Metal, Serbie) 🎧
- Project 86 - Omni Pt. 2 (Post Hardcore / Neo Metal, USA) 🎧
- Psycho Ward - Committed (Heavy / Hard Rock, UK) 🎧
- Ravenstine - 2024 (Hard rock / Heavy metal, Allemagne) 🎧
- Ritual Earth - Turned To Stone: Chapter 9 (Stoner Rock / Doom, USA, Split avec Kazak) 🎧
- Russell / Guns - Medusa (Hard Rock, USA, Projet de Jack Russel (chanteur de Great White) et Tracii Guns (guitariste de LA Guns)) 🎧
- Ruthless - The Fallen (Heavy / Power Metal, USA) 🎧
- Saevus Finis - Facilis Descensus Averno (Black / Death, Portugal) 🎧
- Scanner - The Cosmic Race (Heavy / Power Metal, Allemagne) 🎧
- Splitknuckle - Breathing Through The Wound (Hardcore / Metal, UK) 🎧
- Sympathy Pain - Swan Dive (Drone / Post Rock, USA, Avec des membres de Cult LeaderMidwife) 🎧
- The Clamps - Megamouth (Stoner / Punk, Italie) 🎧
- The Darkest Moment - Love And Loss (Metalcore, Danemark, Un EP) 🎧
- The Grandmaster - Black Sun (Melodic Heavy Metal, International) 🎧
- The Rods - Rattle The Cage (Heavy Metal, USA) 🎧
- Walk The Plank - Loathe (Hardcore, USA, Un EP) 🎧
- Yersin - The Scythe Is Remorseless (Thrash / Crust, UK) 🎧
- Zero Cipher - Nü Metal (Neo Metal / Indus Metal, UK) 🎧
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