Les sorties de ce vendredi 20 août (avec les liens d'écoute), un peu plus de trente sorties répertoriées, dont quelques jolis noms :
- Between The Buried And Me (Metal Technique, USA) 🎧
- Deafheaven (Blackgaze, USA) 🎧
- Sodom (Thrash, Allemagne, un EP) 🎧
- Wolves In The Throne Room (Black Metal Atmosphérique, USA) 🎧
- Alien Boy (Post Punk / Shoagaze, USA) 🎧
- Altars of the Moon (Doomgaze, USA) 🎧
- Arcane Existence (Black / Death Mélodique, USA) 🎧
- ArkenFire (Power Metal, Canada) 🎧
- Bambies (Punk Rock, Canada) 🎧
- Bonehunter (Black / Crust / Thrash, Finlande) 🎧
- Brainstorm (Power, Allemagne) 🎧
- DARE (Hardcore / SxE, USA) 🎧
- Ild (Black Metal, Norvège) 🎧
- Ingrown (Hardcore, USA) 🎧
- Little Jimi (Stoner, France / Bordeaux) 🎧
- Meadowns (Punk Hardcore, USA) 🎧
- Necronautical (Black Metal, UK) 🎧
- Noutaja (Death, Finlande) 🎧
- Oceanhoarse (Heavy, Finlande) 🎧
- Ramihrdus (Ambient / Black, USA) 🎧
- RanCoffiN (Black / Crust, USA) 🎧
- Settle Your Scores (Pop Punk, USA) 🎧
- Telethon (Pop Punk, USA) 🎧
- The Bridge City Sinners (Punk / Alt-Country, USA) 🎧
- Tropical Fuck Storm (Punk Blues, Australie) 🎧
- Warkings (Power Metal, Grèce) 🎧
- Witchcryer (Doom, USA) 🎧
- Woman Is The Earth (Black Metal, USA) 🎧
- Zahn (Krautrock / Psyché, Allemagne) 🎧
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